Consistency is a major struggle for me. On one hand, I am super organized and like to create routines and plans. On the other hand, I have problems sticking to those routines and plans. I like variety. Sometimes, I like to be random. However, there are just some things in life where consistency is necessary for success.
For example, I am terrible at consistently caring for my skin. It's embarrassing to say that, I know. My intention is to use sun-blocking moisturizer every morning and to apply my skin-clearing products every night. (Yes, I get adult acne. Actually, my acne is worse now than it was as a teenager. Again, embarrassing.) If it's early in the morning, I'm tired and rushing. If I get to sleep in then I am usually excited to tackle something. At night, it's pure laziness because I am tired. (Plus, a husband calling out "How long does it take you to get ready for bed?!? Yes, he gets grouchy when he's tired.) I am usually successful two to three times per week. As a result, wrinkles are starting to appear right next to my pimples. Ugh! Face, you need to decide if we are 14 or 40. Yes, Face, I know. I should do my part, too... I know to successfully prevent wrinkles and to rid my zits I need to be consistent. Does anyone else struggle with this skincare issue?
Robert Collier, a self-help author, said "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." There are two key aspects to look at here:
Often, we are "go big or go home" but that leads to burn out amongst other things. Collier emphasizes small efforts. This makes the goal manageable and easy to do. Plus, if you measure it in small efforts then you will feel more accomplished. Secondly, he states to repeat them daily. If the efforts are small enough then it should not be difficult to repeat them on a regular basis. Back to my example, to attempt to conquer my skincare conundrum, I am on the search for products that do double duty to make my efforts smaller. Do you have any suggestions for products?
Of course, this outlook can be applied to all aspects of your life. In regards to Simply In Bold, I am going to make small efforts to write for 30 minutes per day. It is my "plan" that this will manifest into a post here at least every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday going forward. Come here on Mondays for inspiration and Thursdays to grow as an individual (they will be more how-to related).
Where do you struggle with consistency and what small efforts can you take daily to overcome it?

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