Today is a really busy day. Working from home on Americana Music Association stuff, my ebay business, tutoring a kid in math and then Imagine Dragons tonight. Whew! Not enough hours in the day. So, this post will just have to be short and sweet.
Blue Jeans and Melodies is now Simply in Bold. has been set up to redirect you to, so no worries about changing any bookmarks or links.
Why the change?
As I posted before, I wanted Blue Jeans and Melodies to mainly focus on music (especially Americana), but then I was offered a permanent position with the Americana Music Association. I felt like it was a conflict of interest to have my blog focus so much on Americana music, so my blog got stagnant and I missed it.
Why Simply in Bold?
Simply stated, I want to strive to live a non-complicated and bold life and help empower others to do so as well. The posts will vary in topic, but it will all come back to supporting this premise. They will be about style, travel, relationships, music (I can't abandon it all together. Music is too much a part of my life.) and other various topics. By the way, do you see the play on words in Simply in Bold? It refers to putting words "in bold" typeface which is what I am striving to do in certain aspects of my life.I still have some finishing touches to put on the blog design. I am not a website designer so this has taken me SO long to do. It has been a great experience, but I recommend hiring someone that knows what they are doing unless you are interested in spending hours upon hours learning. It is a beast when you have no clue what you are doing.
What do you think about the new focus of my blog and the blog design? Have you ever made major changes to your blog? Finally, what is the boldest thing you have ever done? I look forward to hearing all about it!

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