Have you ever felt uninspired? Where those normal inspirations just do nothing for you? That song on the radio that always gets you pumped leaves you emotionless or worse yet rolling your eyes. That quote that always makes you want to hop off your couch and run 100 miles or write 100 blog posts leaves you momentum-less. That is how I feel lately.
I have been pretty absent from the blog the past few months. What has life been like for me? This summer was a whirlwind and then I spent October trying to recover physically and emotionally. I invested a lot into losing a little weight (which I have found to be much more difficult in my 30s than in my 20s). Some friends have joined me in the journey and I am so proud of their success. I helped my husband finally join the world of social media and he liked it so much he asked me to build him a blog. It is brand new but will be totally worth following. You may even see me guest posting there from time to time. Check him out at www.nerdgasmnow.com. Otherwise I have just been busy trying to run four businesses (I really need to narrow my efforts) and work part-time in the music industry.
Honesty moment - I have been so uninspired and unmotivated that all I have wanted to do was watch tv. I was sucked into a show I said I would never watch, Pretty Little Liars, and ended up watching all the seasons. I caught up on Doctor Who and enjoyed it so much I am currently obsessing over another BBC show, Sherlock.
I know we all have moments similar to this. It is most important to recognize them to move out of them. This is my moment....
Have you felt this way? What did you do? Any and all advice is appreciated.

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