In between sleeping and watching the Disney channel, I have been checking out some new (to me) blogs. Warning: These blogs may be a little girly ('cause you know I am a girl and stuff).
VOX+V -- Destiny recently relocated to Nashville with her musician husband. She blogs about local music, home decorating, fashion and vegan recipes (I like the idea of going vegan, but it seems too hard. However, Destiny's recipes look so good and seem pretty easy, so I just may have to try a few). I love Nashville bloggers and seeing the city I love from someone else's point of view.

I had a whole list of blogs I wanted to talk about, but I am quickly running out of energy. I will save the rest for a later time. Please follow these two blogs (and mine!) People are freaking out over Google Reader going away on July 1st. Many bloggers are suggesting to use Bloglovin', which is fine... but I found Feedly and really like it. Both will easily transfer your current blog subscriptions over to their website and they both have apps for your phone. I prefer Feedly because I can organize the many, many blogs I follow and they have different options for viewing. You can view the blog postings as a list like in Google Reader or their magazine view shows a picture from the posting. Feedly is user friendly with a sleek look. Anyway, whatever you pick make sure you do so before July 1st so you won't lose your current blog subscriptions.
Okay... I am off to sleep again. Please comment below with immune boosting suggestions and let me know what blogs you like to follow.

Garlic and chilli in every meal. Try to eat raw garlic if you can. Lots of berries for anti-oxidants and vitamins.