On Sunday, I bumped my head on a window sill (ugh, don't ask) which jarred my neck. I spent Monday on the couch with a migraine. Major Klutz! On Thursday, my husband decided to copy me and hit his head on the corner of a cabinet. He spent Friday with a migraine. Aren't we a pair?
Tuesday was supposed to be a day to catch up on work, but things never turn out as expected. The hubs and I went to meet a supplier (I also have a website where I sell all kinds of stuff) and found him broken down. The hubs is pretty handy and tried to help the guy (we'll call him John). John made it about half a mile down the road and broke down again. After about two hours of helping this guy, the hubs determined it was John's alternator. John did not want to call a tow truck so Hubs offered him a ride. This pretty much killed half a day, but it felt good to help someone that did not have any one else to call and I got to know a very interesting person. He has lived in so many different major cities and had lots of crazy stories to tell!
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and today are all work, work, work. Nothing exciting, I guess.
- I wrote some html code for a project of which I am contracted which is out of my normal wheelhouse, so pretty proud of that.
- I bought 71 items of stock for only $27. Crossing my fingers they all sell. February is typically a slow month for online sales, but this one is especially rough.
- A co-worker taught me to put bronzer under my chin and jawline to look better in pictures. By looking at her pictures, she would know!
- I sold my first custom art piece, which is actually pretty exciting for me! The piece will be a gift to someone so I cannot post a picture of it yet. I really hope the recipient likes it!
- Every night I get to come home to loving pets and an adorable husband and that is all I really need out of life. :)
How was your week? Anything exciting happen? Please share!

ANIMALS!!! YAY!!!!! BTW 2+2=5